Regional webinar on “The Role of Accounting Technicians (ATs) in Supporting the ASEAN Accountancy Profession”
On July 20, 2023, AFA (ASEAN Federation of Accountants), in partnership with KICPAA, AAT, and CAPA held a regional webinar on “The Role of Accounting Technicians (ATs) in Supporting the ASEAN Accountancy Profession” to provide a platform for mutual learning and sharing on all things ATs with the relevant stakeholders of the ASEAN accountancy profession and to discuss how ATs can contribute to the region’s economy as part of the ASEAN accountancy profession. The objective of the event is to 1) understand the important role and value of ATs across the region and 2) explore ways the ATs program can be implemented in ASEAN jurisdictions.
In the welcoming address, Mr.Voravith Janthanakul, president of AFA, appreciated KICPAA for introducing the ATQ program. Mr.Khun Darith, president of KICPAA, offered a welcoming address on the growth of the economy in Cambodia and the need for ATs by SMEs, while Mr. Chea Thourn, education director of KICPAA and speaker, presented the “ATQ program and challenges in implementing in Cambodia.” It is noted that after COVID-19, KICPAA has offered the examination since February 2023, with more than 600 students and a 38% passing rate. The challenges for implementing the ATQ program in Cambodia are 1) awareness of the ATQ program, 2) teaching and learning culture, and 3) promoting the value of the ATQ program.
Speakers noted that ATs complement accounting services while the majority of professional accountants complement auditing services. Sharing the key ingredients for success from AAT in the UK on the ATs program are:
• Advocacy of Chartered bodies/their members and employers
• Embedding within Government Education and funding system
• Qualification continually improved
• Brand awareness
• Clear pathways into and out of qualification
• Maintaining its relevance to the external
• Market and changing profession
• AT focus
This event was attended by approx. 250 participants, with the majority joining from ASEAN jurisdictions, including representatives of the ASEAN PAOs, professional accountants, regulators, policymakers, practitioners, academics, accounting students, and others interested in ATs. The event started at 2:00 PM and ended at 4:00 PM on the same day with a very fruitful and good collaboration.
AAT: Association of Accounting Technicians
CAPA: Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants