Instruction on Teaching Accounting Technician Qualification (ATQ) program
On 25 August 2023, KICPAA has conducted a Training of Trainer (TOT) on ” Instruction on Teaching Accounting Technician Qualification (ATQ) program” to lecturers of Build Bright University, Siem Reap campus. The purpose of this training is to improve the capacity of the trainers, to increase the pass rate of students and to jointly develop new learning and teaching methods of the accounting and auditing profession. Mr. Chea Thourn, Education Director of KICPAA, was a trainer of this event and presented:
– Overview of KICPAA and Updates in Accounting and Auditing
– Curriculum of ATQ program
– Learning and teaching methods of ATQ program.
The course ended at 5:00PM on the same day with a very fruitful and happy moment.