Training of Trainers (TOT) under the topic “The Update of Accounting Regulations in Cambodia”

Sep 13, 2024

On ​Thursday​ afternoon, September 12, 2024, the Kampuchea Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors (KICPAA) successfully conducted the Training of Trainers (TOT) under the topic “The Update of Accounting Regulations in Cambodia” which was presided over by Mrs. Savuth Daly, Executive Director of KICPAA, accompanied by Mr. Chea Thourn, Education Director of KICPAA, and Mr. Soeun Beaute, Deputy Director of Legal and Compliance Department of ACAR & also the speaker at Phnom Penh Hotel. This training was attended by 37 lecturers from 19 higher education institutions​​. As a result, this training course improved lecturers’ capacity on:

– Insight the accounting and auditing law

– The update of accounting and auditing regulations in Cambodia

– Teaching on accounting effectively.

The training ended at 4:40 PM with a fruitful and happy moment.